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Automated testing: Everything you need to know

Automated testing: Everything you need to know
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    Dusan Pantelic
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Recently I've been asked what constitutes good Software testing. How can you learn to write good tests? Easily if you stick to a couple of principles and adhere to them when writing your tests.


Modern development is impossible without possessing a set of good testing skills. Unfortunately, we take testing for granted. In reality, it is such a big problem for so many people. With testing being so hard to do right, we usually accept the bare minimum for testing. That is why the topic is more important and relevant than ever. Everybody should be capable of writing good tests.

What is Automated testing?

When talking about testing, most programmers usually refer to automated testing. For most parts, we can ignore manual testing in this context. More specifically, when programmers talk about testing, they are usually talking about Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Automated testing involves using a program to automate the tasks of a human tester. It is the process of using code itself to test software. With automated testing, tests become part of the codebase, and they are run together with a typical build process. This means tests can run automatically on every change(commit/push). Other than adding tests to ensure that new functionality is covered, existing tests ensures that already implemented functionalities are still working as expected. It is called regression testing (what is regression?).

What is TDD (Test-Driven Development)?

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is just one step further in this same direction of testing automation. It is a software development practice and philosophy that relies on the repeated execution of a small set of tests to produce software that is known to be correct. It is also known as the red-green-blue (or red-green-refactor) cycle. The gist is that you should write small tests that fail(red) and then write just enough code to make them pass(green). Having tests ensures the final step is easy: Refactoring the code (blue) is a simple task when you can quickly re-run the whole test suite. It will immediately tell you if you broke something with your refactor.

TDD emphasizes the need to have code tested even before having code. TDD is not just a testing philosophy; it becomes a software design approach. Actual requirements should shape and create your APIs. TDD is popular because it is very developer-friendly, adding a dose of pleasure to writing new code. While practicing TDD, you can get the results very quickly. Although TDD is not a silver bullet, it is a powerful tool to help you write better code faster.

Basic principles of having good tests

Now that you know what testing is, how can you learn to write a good test? Just follow this simple structure described here. It applies to any testing framework or library. They are all equal and the same. If you know how to write a good test with minitest, you can also do the same good job with RSpec. The same applies to jest vs. Jasmine, or for that matter, any other testing library or framework.

Good Coverage

Code coverage is a metric used in software testing to measure the degree to which the source code of a program has been exercised by a particular test suite. It measures the amount of code tested relative to the total amount of code in the program. The code coverage metric is usually expressed as a percentage of how many lines of code have been covered.

Code coverage can measure the quality of a software test suite. A high code coverage number means that the test suite is likely to have exercised most or all of the source code in the program. This can indicate that the program is well tested and ready for production.

Code coverage can also be used to identify areas of the source code that have not been tested. This can identify potential bugs or areas that need further testing.

Unfortunately, for some people, this becomes just a number. They start to think about it, saying, "I have this much, and you have that much coverage." It means nothing without a proper understanding of the underlying subject. The intrinsic meaning of coverage is understanding the array of potential states and transitions between them your program can have. More states and transitions you cover, the better. I was writing about this topic in my previous article

Test Relevance

The relevance of software testing can be determined in several ways. One measure is how well the test aligns with the business objectives. Another consideration is how well the test covers the range of conditions and scenarios in using the software. Relevance is also affected by how thoroughly the test cases have been designed and how they exercise the software's functions and features.

To illustrate this with an example: you should never write an equivalent of assert(1 + 1 == 2). This is self-explanatory, but it is surprising how often I have seen something similar. Each test should add value to your whole test suite. Do not write a test just for the sake of having a test. You are wasting lines of code this way.

An easy way to ensure your tests are relevant is properly using test-driven development (TDD). With TDD, you first write the test and then write the code to make the test pass. This ensures that the test is relevant to the code because the test is written before the code. The test cases are created the way it forces you to think about how the code is used and how the different parts of the code interact with each other. This helps identify potential problems and design defects early in the development process.

Test Structure

If you are not sure if you are adding value with your tests, there is a painless way to verify that test is good. You need to follow a well-defined structure with every test. The structure of a test is defined with an easy-to-remember phrase: -arrange-act-assert. Arrange-act-assert is another trichotomy for software testing (other than previously mentioned red-green-blue.

The principles of the arrange-act-assert methodology can be applied to any type of software testing but are often used in the context of test-driven development (TDD). In short, the steps are as follows:

  1. Arrange the preconditions of a system to set the desired state

  2. Act on a system to trigger the transition to a new state

  3. Assert that the desired end state is achieved

This simple three-step process helps ensure that tests are well-defined and that the results can be accurately assessed. It also helps prevent any accidental or undesired side effects, which can be challenging to troubleshoot and fix.

Testing in isolation

To have good tests, you have to write tests in isolation. To achieve isolation, you need to use mocking and stubbing techniques. Mocks allow you to create fake objects that return set values when queried. Stubbing enables you to replace calls to specific functions, isolate external services and APIs, and replace them with predefined values. This way, you can test your code without making any external API calls.

There are some things to keep in mind when using mock objects and stubbing. First, make sure that you only mock and stub the things you need to. Your tests may become difficult to read and maintain if you mock or stub too much. Tests might even become irrelevant. Second, be sure to test both mock and real objects equally. Ensure the appropriate amount of integration tests when and where needed. If you only test the mocked objects, you may not catch all of the errors in your code.

If you still believe testing is too tricky after reading it all, email ved.ffoten@em, and drop me a line for a free consultation.